
Genius ERP Now Includes Integrated Credit Card Processing

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An ERP system with integrated credit card processing is an indispensable tool for streamlining financial processes and creating better customer experiences.

Integrated ​​Credit Card Processing with Genius ERP

With the upcoming release of V15.2, Genius ERP is introducing credit card processing. We’ve partnered with one of the world’s largest payment technology providers to offer you increased flexibility for your business and enhanced convenience for your customers. This means you can get paid faster, manage payments more easily, and boost your cash flow.

Some of the tasks you will be able to complete with our new credit card processing feature include:

  • Prepayments for in-progress sales order​s
  • Apply a credit card prepayment to a sales order
  • Take a deposit and apply it later to a sales order or invoice​
  • Accept a credit card payment for one or more sales invoice​s
  • Issue a refund

Stay Ahead of the Competition With Integrated Credit Card Processing

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing and business environment, staying ahead of the competition requires efficient operations, streamlined financial processes and excellent customer service. One tool that can help you achieve these goals is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with integrated credit card processing. 

Integrating credit card processing with an ERP offers several advantages:

  • Streamlined Financial Operations: Simplify financial processes by automating payment collection and reconciliation. Reduce manual data entry and the risk of errors to make financial operations more efficient.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers benefit from the convenience of making payments with credit cards, improving their overall experience with your business — leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Faster Payments: Credit card processing accelerates payment receipt, reducing the time between a sale or service delivery and when funds become available. This can improve cash flow and liquidity for your business.
  • Reduced Administrative Costs: Credit card payments reduce the need for manual payment handling, saving time and labor costs associated with administrative tasks.
  • Improved Accuracy: Reduce the likelihood of errors in payment processing and data entry, leading to more accurate financial records and reporting.

Genius Is Committed To Growing Our Product for Manufacturers

Genius is proud of the fact that we only work with manufacturers. Every day, we strive to provide you with an exceptional ERP solution that equips you to manage every facet of your business. Each spring, we release new versions that introduce additional features, greater depth, and an expanded range of web-accessible modules. With V16, scheduled for release in 2024, you can anticipate substantial upgrades to our web capabilities.

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