Genius eBooks

Insider tips, tricks, tools and techniques to improve your manufacturing business and get the most out of your ERP.

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ultimate guide to erp ebook cover
eBooks - May 23,2023

The Ultimate Guide to ERPs for Custom Manufacturers

Custom Manufacturing - ERP - Implementation

ERPs are the gold standard within the manufacturing industry for a reason: Nothing streamlines business processes, provides accurate real-time data and reduces costs better than an ERP system.

manufacturing superhero ebook cover
eBooks - November 30,2022

The 5 Best Ways to Become a Manufacturing Superhero

Custom Manufacturing - ERP

Decades of working with some of the top manufacturers across North America have given us the inside scoop on the practices that good manufacturing companies follow to be the very best at what they do.

revolutionize your shop floor ebook cover
eBooks - December 21,2021

Revolutionize the Way you Schedule Your Shop

Custom Manufacturing - ERP - Scheduling

Only 8 percent of manufacturers with a full-scope ERP use the scheduling system that comes with their software. Discover Smart Scheduling, a better way for high-mix, low-volume manufacturers to schedule their shop floor.

ERP selection checklist cover
eBooks - May 21,2021

ERP Pre-Selection Checklist

ERP - Implementation

Choosing an ERP is a major decision. This worksheet and checklist go with our ERP Selection eBook, The exercises are straightforward, and meant to get you thinking about your priorities and goals before diving into our proven ERP selection process.

how to select the right erp ebook cover
eBooks - May 21,2021

How to Select the Right ERP

ERP - Implementation

Choosing an ERP is a major decision. As many as 80 percent of companies fail to fully implement an ERP after purchase. Get our insider tips for picking the right ERP system for you, including how to identify your exact software needs.

erp implementation ebook cover
eBooks - January 25,2021

How to Successfully Implement an ERP

Custom Manufacturing - ERP - Implementation

Getting an ERP system will revolutionize your company — but the hard truth is that most implementation projects fail. Dicover the pitfalls to avoid to ensure a successful ERP implementation project.

How to Successfully Implement an ERP

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